Protecting Sensitive Data on Mobile Devices

Protecting Sensitive Data on Mobile Devices

Protecting Sensitive Data on Mobile Devices A smartphone Today’s fast-paced digital world has made using mobile devices a necessity. However, it has led to the need for mobile device security due to threats to the increasingly sensitive business data and personal...
How to Make Passive Income from Cryptocurrency

How to Make Passive Income from Cryptocurrency

How to Make Passive Income from Cryptocurrency Cash and crypto Passive income in business is described as money that accrues to you even when doing other activities. For instance, most people make money by getting a 9-5 job and going to work. The hours worked...
Physical Security Measures for Small Businesses

Physical Security Measures for Small Businesses

Physical Security Measures for Small Businesses A chained steel gate As a small business owner, the security – from cyber threats – and safety of your physical assets and premises are essential for the overall success of your enterprise. Unfortunately, several small...
Factors Affecting the Stock Market

Factors Affecting the Stock Market

Factors Affecting the Stock Market A stock market chart The price of a stock is set in capital markets where selling pressure meets the demand from buyers. However, many people who have merely glanced into the world of finance still don’t understand the key factors...